Group 5
Peter Agergaard
Group 5 herot
Peter Agergaard is an experienced executive within Board Education, Executive Search, and Leadership Consultancy. He has extensive experience within HR and has held regional HR and CHRO-roles within large international companies across all continents bringing him a strong expertise within country and organisational culture. This background has given him deep expertise in executive search, organizational development and talent management, which he now applies in his executive search and consultancy work.
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Peter Agergaard

Peter Agergaard is an experienced executive within Board Education, Executive Search, and Leadership Consultancy. He has extensive experience within HR and has held regional HR and CHRO-roles within large international companies across all continents bringing him a strong expertise within country and organisational culture. This background has given him deep expertise in executive search, organizational development and talent management, which he now applies in his executive search and consultancy work.

After leaving the industry Peter has been CEO of a smaller management consultancy business specialised in a wide range of HR services – from executive search, HR strategy, coaching and mentoring to total rewards management.

Prior to joining Birn + Partners as Head of Board Education, Peter has been CEO of a company focused on board education, board recruitment, board development and board networks, which has made Peter a sought-after lecturer and speaker on modern board practices as well as acting as an often-used columnist in the country's major newspapers. 

With his combination of practical experience and theoretical knowledge, Peter is dedicated to developing effective and value-creating boards while strengthening leadership competencies across Danish and international companies – supported by his experience within executive search and leadership consultancy.


M.Sc. in business administration and commercial law (CBS)
Executive MBA (SIMI)

Chairperson (Board Education)

Board Certificate (Board Company)