Group Cor 5
Group 5

Meet Helle Skovdal

What I like, in particular is the truly international teamwork we have.

In my job as Executive Assistant I get to talk to all these nationalities every day when I support colleagues in our systems and help with on an off boarding. It´s not just a set up we have, we really have colleagues across borders, whom we work with on a daily basis.

When our customers need help in other countries, we can always find a skilled colleague, who will help.

I have been with Birn+Partners since August 2023 and joined just before our international conference which we have in late summer each year. Last year we met up in Malaga, Spain and shared inspiring talks, discussions, and good times with each other. I felt very welcome and after almost a year now,
arranging the conference is on my list of responsibilities.

In September we will meet up in Budapest and planning and arranging is an ongoing project of mine.

I really like that we have a work environment where it´s easy and appreciated that we carry things into action. If you have a great idea, you can always find someone who will listen – and a decision will be made. During my first year, we have really improved our CRM and I learned so much from the process and have been able to provide all consultants with their own personal dash board along with overview pages for each managing director in our markets.

I have a strong feeling that there will always be something to look forward to – an event, an internal academy session on an interesting topic or something else. And I like this mix of daily tasks and bigger happenings. You can catch me here if you like to hear more about us.